Featured in UVU Magazine

I am honored to say that I’m featured in the Fall 2011 edition of UVU Magazine! You’ll even see a photo of me, taken inside the vacant Rivoli Theater, on page 10 in the “UVU Engage” section.

UVU Magazine article: DGM Students Help Revive Theater for Senior Project

The article highlights the real-world experience I obtained and the community benefit of my senior Digital Media project with the Rivoli Theater. The university promotes itself as graduating students with a degree and a resume, which is exactly how it worked for me. Granted, my team and I worked hard to make the most of our opportunity!

Even though it was my second bachelor’s degree and I had prior/ongoing work experience, I sought to expand my knowledge in less familiar areas like project management, WordPress site development, and documentary film production. It was a great experience, regardless of the accolades and attention that this project has received. The reason I am most thankful for press coverage like this article is that it brings more attention to the theater’s cause.